
Fleas Live in your pet’s environment

Pets often pick up fleas from both outdoor and indoor environments. Your pet is more likely to become infested with fleas from their environment, than contact with another pet. 95% of fleas live in the environment & off of your pet.

Untreated pets and wild animals have been found to spread fleas into the environment.

Fleas slumber in protective cocoons until appearance of pets encourages them to hatch with a combination of heat & Co2 contained in the breath of the pet. The cocoons can last many months & can still be a risk in the winter months.

In the summer months greater flea activity has been observed.

How to check your pet for fleas

Fleas can be difficult to spot as they are fast moving and small — spotting them amongst thick fur can tricky. If in doubt, check for black spots of dirt on the fur, if you see them, use a flea comb to comb the dirt onto damp paper. If a red halo appears around the dirt, its flea droppings. The red halo is because the flea feasts upon your pet’s blood which is only partially digested.

Fleas will be out in full force during the summer, hiding in your homes, parks and gardens.  So, it’s important to check your pet regularly for any flea friends!

Top Tips for flea management

  • Always check your pet daily in the warmer months.
  • Comb your pet and focus on flea hot-spot areas. Pay close attention to their head & neck, along the back and their tail
  • If your pet has a long or thick coat, pay close attention to the roots of the hairs when combing. Adult fleas live close to the skin. Be on the lookout for signs of fleas, black specks of dirt that are actually their droppings.
  • Check for black spots of dirt on the fur, if you see them, use a flea comb to comb the dirt onto damp paper. If a red halo appears around the dirt, its flea droppings. The red halo is because the flea feasts upon your pet’s blood which is only partially digested.
  • A good sign your pet may have fleas includes increased scratching and persistent grooming. Fleas can cause allergic reactions or dermatitis to pets with sensitive skin. Occasionally you may notice sores on their skin and hair loss caused by skin irritation.
  • Because you did not see evidence of fleas, does not mean your pet in flea free.
  • Use FleaSolve® every four weeks to keep your pet free from fleas.
  • Be patient, flea infestations can take up to three months to irradicate from your environment.


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